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My dad was my hero growing up. As a fireman, he was also a hero to his community-responding to emergencies, extinguishing fires, and rescuing people. I was age 10 or 11 when he saved a child’s life in a fire and was awarded an impressive metal statue of a fireman holding a child. This humble man came home from receiving accolades for his brave efforts and put the figurine on the table. He changed his clothes and said, “Let’s go have a catch.” It demonstrated to me that he was a normal man who never let the accolades determine his worth. Ironically, that award became a door stop in our home.

His example of being dedicated to his career and community by day and his family by night inspires me to follow in his footsteps. As a father of three children, I am dedicated to my family. Being involved with my children through mentoring and coaching enables me to impact their success. Sharing time through either their sports endeavors or attending Philly sports events brings us closer as a family. 

Starting at Credential Leasing as the Regional Sales Manager for the Tri-State area this year opened my eyes to a different way to do equipment financing. As a small organization, there is an all-encompassing commitment to customer service. For 60+ years they have nurtured a culture of customer first. Each member of the organization provides continual care for our dealers. The team eagerly seeks solutions to difficult situations and provides flexibility for better outcomes. 

I am proud to be a member of the Credential Leasing team.